Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PSA of the Day

Public Service Announcement - 9/09/09

Beware of Facebook Hair... This affliction is growing more and more common as people begin their day by being sucked into the unending void of the networking website.

Definition: Hair that has been allowed to dry into an au naturel state. It is limp, lifeless, and unbecoming.

Cures: There are no known complete cures for this horrible condition. If you feel you are suffering from Facebook hair please go to your nearest closet and place a baseball cap on your head. If you are capless then the CDC (Council for Damaged Ends Control) suggest you massage a leave in conditioner into your limp locks and attempt to flat-iron.

We urge all citizens to step away from the computer now.


  1. you are crazy girl, you make me laugh so hard

  2. Thus the reason I stay away from FB as much as possible!

  3. That's hilarious! But I loved it. Thanks for sharing. I've been an FB addict since 2008, but lately I've stayed away from it, DH is getting annoyed already. Hehee!

  4. I am sitting at work with Facebook Hair as we "speak". Dang...I never knew this condition has a name. Thanks for getting me in the loop! LOL

  5. LOL! I hardly EVER go on Facebook... and my hair?! Always neatly combed with a bobby pin or barrette. ;-) Then again... my hair is SUPER short, and all I have to do... is wash it. No styling (or even brushing) needed to make it look presentable. LOL!

    Cute post. :)

  6. choked on my coffee while sporting my FB hair!

  7. I have indeed suffered from this affliction a time or two!! Too funny!

  8. You must have a hidden camera in my house! I have FB Hair right this very second!! I'm moving toward the hair dryer now...


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