Sunday, February 22, 2009

What??? Seriously People We Didn't Even Have Helmets....

I came across this article today ... "Old Books A New Source of Lead Poisoning"... I love what the author has to say. I cherish our collection of old books and so does Coleman, some of our favorites are from my childhood and we even have a few from my Mother's early years. I agree with what the author of this article has to say... don't throw them out... read them!


  1. Well they are only bad if you eat them!! LOL!! I totally agree, I have lots of old books from when I was a kid. Heck my kids even slept in my kids and thankfully they never got their heads stuck in between the bars! My mom always jokes that my sister and I should be dead with all the "safety" stuff we have for kids these days that they didn't have when we were little!

  2. Wow, who knew? I have all kinds of old books for my son from my childhood. He doesn't eat them though, so I think it's ok.

  3. oy. i've got books that were my aunt's when she was a child. they are my treasures. they will stay on my bookshelves. :-)


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