Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One Word 2008

So I have been choosing a word for the last few years to describe what I want to incorporate into my life that year, examples: 2006 - Home, I wanted to make our new house a home for my family, establish/reestablish roots in Denver and give Coleman a place that he would always know as Home, 2007 - Release, I get so caught up in things and it snowballs, last year I needed to learn that I cannot always be in control of every situation (yes, my name is Houston and I am a control freak) so I chose Release as my word and throughout the year I worked really hard to let go, and you know what I am able to do that a lot more often now!

My word for this year is Grow. I have been home for a long time and I have grown in so many ways by doing that, but now I am out in the "world" more and I realize that I have so much to learn from others and I want to grow more as a person.

I want my relationships to Grow. I want to put more energy into making time for relationships that are important to me.

I also want to Grow at home, literally, Coley and I have been wanting to plant a garden for several years and this is the year that we start. By start I mean a small garden, but by golly we are going to grow something!

I also want my art to grow. I want to scrap less about events and more about moments. I want to be more real in my journaling as well.

Last but not least, I want my world view to grow. I tend to hide behind my little rock and just let the world go on and I try not to notice, ignorance is bliss kind of thing, but this year I want to grow in my knowledge of what is going on around me. I want to know what the candidates stand for and why. I want to read more news and know what is going on and where it is happening.

This year I plan to put down roots into the soil of home and draw from the love of God, family and friends, to grow upward into the woman God has created me to be. I can't wait to see where the journey takes me.

Do you have a word for 2008?


  1. Hi Houston! Loved reading about your one little words from the past years and this year -- mine is BREATHE. more on that at my blog And thank you for my little freebie today for chasing down the water guy at the store:)


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