Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Perfection or Lack of It

You know they say that the truth will set you free. It does. Last night I was lying awake, praying, and you can't hide anything from God, He knows. I was telling Him how I feel and three words came to mind. I realized those were the true feelings that I had felt towards my parents for a long time. I love my parents, but they both have a lot of problems that they don't seem to be able to overcome, demons that rear their ugly heads. I used to think that it wasn't my parents fault is was all just too tempting, the alcohol and drugs. I know that isn't true, yet as a child I was eager to think that. When you are a child you want to believe that your parents are perfect.

That brings me to where I am this morning. I don't want C to think that I am perfect. I am not. I make mistakes. I get angry. I can't make coffee. I want him to know that the truth is that I am willing to admit when I make a mistake. I say I am sorry. I take responsibility for my actions. I admit my short comings. I don't blame. Okay, well sometimes I do, but I try my best not to. What I am saying is, don't be afraid to let your kids know that you are human.


  1. Wow Houston! How brave of you. We should all take a lesson. Thankyou!

  2. you are a wise wise woman. and strong and brave and inspiring. don't shake your head and deny it, how often do you get compliments like that? it takes one great lady to come to realizations like this, and a really humble one to ask and listen to God. i'm impressed.

  3. You are a great example!
    That is such a great life lesson, one I am working on too!

  4. Congrats...this is the 'magic wand' of life as a human. To realize perfection is just an ideal and not reality is so key for us and 'our' children. I love to watch you with C, you are a great mom.

  5. Yup, you are indeed wise! (And it's okay if you can't make coffee, Starbucks will do that for you. :))

  6. Amen, sistah! My kids know I have faults. They remind be about them sometimes. ;-)

  7. That is so important!! I am proud of you and have been working on something like that myself lately.
    I think that when we look at ourselves we either need to embrase those faults as ones we can't change or take the steps to change them.
    Another thing that is so hard is being able to say, "I don't know" but I always follow that up with, "but we can look it up."


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